Color Consulting

Selecting the right color for a room goes beyond simply choosing your favorite color, or one that looks like it would be a good fit. It’s about how the colors work together within a space that can change how a room feels and create a feeling of warmth. Élan Interior Design Services will work with you to find just the right colors for the room and for your unique tastes.

We work with a variety of high-end paints including:

  • Farrow and Ball
  • Sherwin-Williams
  • Ralph Lauren
  • Benjamin Moore

We can also work with you to select complementary colors on a number of other room features, including:

  • Glazing, gold leafing, strie and marbleized finishes for walls and ceilings
  • Wall coverings
  • Tromp L’Oeil
  • Moldings, trims, onlays, high-end plaster finishes

Elan Color Consulting